Our team will serve in Northern Ghana alongside national partners. We hope to provide care in six villages. This ministry focuses on helping to strengthen existing churches, help with new…
The Philippines Field Team will include Medical and Dental services.  We will serve in Eastern Samar and Layte alongside national pastors. It is exciting to be able to regularly start serving in the Philippines…
Our Gospel and medical outreach will focus on rural villages in the south-central region of Benin. We will be working with missionaries and national partners that we’ve worked with many…
This Field Evangelism Team will include Medical services.  We will be working in the area of Sidon with a church that has a vision for longer-term medical ministry. Lebanon’s current economic struggles…
This Field Evangelism Team will include Medical and Dental services.  Our outreach will focus on villages and small towns in the Sonora region. We have been serving in this area for 20+ years and…
The Philippines Field Team will include Medical and Dental services.  We will serve in Eastern Samar and Layte alongside national pastors. The Philippines was locked down for almost 2 years, and this will be…


Purpose, Philosophy, and Beliefs


Our History

Our Team


Ministry Application

Pastor Recommendation

Field Team Handbook


Clean teeth. Clean hearts too!

Lori Cross, RN

Ghana Pastor Letter of Appreciation